Order Code: LM5848
Applications: Environmental Education
Grades 4 and up
An inquiry-based approach to watershed education. Students ask questions, learn to design and implement a river study from acquiring and reading watershed maps to determining/scheduling study sites and water quality testing. They will then compile and analyze results, share the results with their community, and learn to take action through a variety of productive avenues and disciplines.
A great tool for beginning a school-based, community involved water monitoring program. Includes a valuable, comprehensive manual and a set of 9 test factor modules. Same economical, safe, TesTab® method as the Earth Force Low Cost Water Monitoring Kit. Each module contains easy-to-read, diagrammed instructions; a color chart; a test factor flashcard; and all the necessary apparatus and non-hazardous TesTabs® to perform 100 tests (44 tests for coliform bacteria; unlimited for benthic macroinvertebrates and turbidity).
Recommended for grades 4 and higher. Also ideal for community groups/citizen monitoring efforts.